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The Mercer Island Thrift Shop is a revenue-generating, nonprofit business that provides over 50% of Mercer Island Youth & Family Services funding. All revenue from the sale of donations and direct donations go directly to support MIYFS programs.

Mercer Islanders count on the services provided by the Thrift Shop (MITS). MIYFS counts on the funds raised by the MITS.


Privacy Policy
We take precautions to protect your information. We collect credit card or bank account information, names, addresses, and other data related to your transaction when you make a payment through our site. We use this information to process your payment.

All Thrift Shop sales directly support only MIYFS programs.

Shop revenues are the largest source of funding for Youth and Family Services and gross sales for 2023 were close to 1.6 million dollars. The Thrift Shop continues to grow and is slated to remain the largest source of funds for the Department.